Sunday 23 September 2012

Bushcrafting at the Library

  Well, not ACTUAL bushcrafting at the library.  For some reason librarians don't appreciate it when you build a shelter in the middle of the room, even if it is well crafted.  And fire starting is definitely out of the question.  But the library is an incredible resource for researching wilderness living skills.  And best of all, it's free! Here are some insider tips to help you utilize all that your library has to offer.  

  Try before you buy!  We've all done it.  Bought a book that looked excellent in the online preview, or with that quick glance at the store.  But upon closer examination, found it lacking, full of misinformation, poorly written, or simply a duplicate of material already covered in other titles.  Many people prefer purchasing books so they always have the information on hand.  The library can still be a valuable resource, as it provides an opportunity to look at a title more thoroughly before you make that decision to buy.

  Browse through your library's collection for relevant titles.  Books with information on wilderness living can be found in many areas of the library.  Survival and first-aid information is found in the health section, recipes with cookbooks, and sewing in crafts.  Backpacking and camping books will be in the sports section, and some books, like the excellent Foxfire series, will be in the history section.  Woodcraft can be found in several categories, depending on whether you are looking for carving or building information.  Books on flora and fauna will be in the natural science section. Search the online catalogue by subject to find what you need, or ask your librarian for assistance. NOTE:  Not all librarians will be familiar with the concept of bushcraft, but with an explanation, or broken down by subject matter, they will be able help you find what you are looking for.  Just don't count on a lengthy discussion on, say, the benefits of supershelters vs. lean-tos, or the best fire-starting method in wet conditions.  I don't think that's as common in other libraries. 

 Your selection isn't limited to what your own library has to offer. If you have something specific in mind, but it is not available at your library, you can request an Interlibrary Loan.  A great way to find books that interest you is by searching your favourite online book store.  Just type in the subject you are looking for, then make note of any that appeal to you. Your librarian can also search for subjects, and print a list of what is available for you to choose from. Once you have made your selection, a request will be submitted and the book will be delivered when available at the lending library. 

  Ebooks are also available to borrow from most libraries.  You can view these on your computer, smartphone, or ereader.  Helpful titles will range from cookbooks to first-aid, to survival manuals (The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks, for example).  Free ebooks can also be found at Project Gutenberg.  This site provides downloads of classic titles which are no longer in copyright.  This is an excellent resource, as you can access authentic information on traditional skills.  You do not have to return these selections; they are yours to keep. With an ereader and a solar charger, you could take hundreds of books with you for reference on an extended trip!

 Some libraries also have access to eResources - a wealth of online material that is not available to the general public.  These resources vary widely, depending on your library, but most will have something of interest.  A search for "bushcraft" in the main search engine of my library's resources provides links to articles in Geographical, Blade, and Ontario Out Of Doors magazines, as well as 166 news items, and 4 academic journals.  A search for "wilderness survival" turns up even more relevant titles.  Your librarian can help you find articles of interest.

  Mors Kochanski gives credit to his local public library for the incredible knowledge and wilderness skill base he possesses.  When he first began his journey into the world of bushcraft, he spent many hours at the library, and would take upwards of 30 books home at a time to pour through. His love of books continues, and with a vast library of his own, I'm sure his visits to the library have declined a bit.  But his appreciation for libraries still runs strong. As a librarian, I was thrilled to hear him speak these words, and to have the opportunity to converse with him on the value of libraries.  As a bushcrafter, the opportunity to learn from such an incredible man was truly priceless.

  I've included a few of my favourite resources to get you started, with Mors Kochanski's book, Bushcraft, topping the list.  Feel free to post your favourites in the comment section below.

Books :

Bushcraft by Mors Kochanski

The Happy Camper by Kevin Callan

A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants: Eastern and central North America by Lee Allan Peterson

Camping in the Old Style by David Wescott

98.6 Degrees - The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive by Cody Lundin

Survival Wisdom & Know-How: Everything You Need to Know to Thrive in the Wilderness

The Survival Handbook : Essential Skills for Outdoor Adventure

The Dehydrator Bible by Jennifer Mackenzie, Jay Nutt, and Don Mercer


Woodcraft and Camping by George Washington Sears

Shelters, Shacks and Shanties by Daniel Carter Beard

Woodcraft by E. H. Kreps

Woodland Tales by Ernest Thompson Seton

Nature and books belong to the eyes that see them ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday 10 September 2012

The Healing Power of Bushcraft

  Adaptability, positive mental attitude, and the ability to heal yourself under stressful circumstances are key skills practiced in bushcraft and survival training.  Once learned, you quickly realize that these are not just applicable in the wilderness.  Normal, everyday life is filled with moments which seem unsurmountable and struggles that can overwhelm.  Practicing this mindset can help get you through them. 

  When I first became interested in wilderness living, I was going through a rough time, and was severly lacking self-confidence. I had forgotten those valuable skills.  Bushcraft was the reminder I needed, and it provided the perfect opportunity to practice them. It also provided me with a refresher on life philosophy.

  For every new skill I learned, I felt stronger and increased my self-confidence. Shelter building reminded me to be adaptable and find new ways of using what I have.  Firecraft taught me that patience is needed when working toward my goals. Cooking meals over those fires showed me that things require preparation, attention and perserverance to turn into something great. And learning about edible and medicinal plants taught me that often, everything I need is right around me...I just have to take the time to look.


  When life's stresses mount, I notice an increase in the ever-present urge to practice my wilderness living skills.  I'm sure part of it is the simplicity...the need to get back to something basic.  But I also think it's my subconcious' way of reminding me to put those skills into play.  To adapt, be positive, and heal myself.   And to slow down and take the time to get it right.

"Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.” ~ Jose N. Harris