Sunday 10 June 2012

Bushcraft Girl

     I suppose, if you were a stickler for such things, you could dispute my claim to be a Canadian "Girl".  Age wise, my girl days have long since passed. But I am and always will be, a girl in spirit. Some women may feel that the term is offensive.   I respect their opinion, and can certainly understand the reasoning behind it.  But for me, "Girl" means never having to fully grow up.  To be able to see the world with all the wonder of a child's eyes.  To embrace new experiences, without the jaded input of adult expectations.  To feel free to stop and see the beauty in the wild flower, get distracted by a butterfly, or simply sit in complete silence without guilt because I should be doing something more productive.  That is what "Girl" means to me.  
And I embrace the title fully.  

    The name Bushcraft Girl (Beeg for short), was given to me shortly after my foray into the world of Wilderness Living began.  My natural tendency to freely show excitement after discovering something new, or learning a skill, made it easy to discover my "bush name".  Okay, that and the fact that I said feathersticks were pretty.  I think that cinched the deal. 

    It is this perspective on Wilderness Living that I wish to share with you.  The experience of a single Mom, former car camper, and mild-mannered librarian, who decided (thanks to some great new friends), to dive head first into the world of Bushcrafting three years ago and never look back.  To show the self-confidence and inner strength that can be built by discovering these new skills.  Not just from the female perspective, but for everyone who wishes to really experience the wilderness, and not just walk through it on the way to their destination.  For those who wish to Smooth It.


"We do not go to the green woods and crystal waters to rough it, we go to smooth it. We get it rough enough at home, in towns and cities." 
 –NESSMUK (G.W. Sears), Woodcraft, 1963



  1. I love it Beeg, looking forward to more!

  2. Hi Bushcraft Girl! I think its awesome that you are a female bushcrafter in this male dominated industry. I'd love to get in contact with you about a new project I'm working on that asks the question - how long could live alone in the wild? If you'd like more information, please email me at

  3. Hi
    Are there any bushcraft groups in Qc? I am in Magog.

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