Monday 5 November 2012

Best Laid Plans, and All That

You know, I've always believed that something worth doing, is worth doing right.  Apparently that counts for injuries too.  My early prediction of my shoulder recouperating in a couple of weeks may  have been a little overly ambitious.  Now, it's not the end of the world by any means.  But it definitely has put a bit of a wrench in my plans to build a camp on my property this fall.  And, by extension, my plans to document it here.  At least I know what I will be doing come spring!

But I'm not about to leave you all hanging until then.  I will be planning and prepping, and hopefully managing to get to camp some time soon (healed shoulder, or not!).  In the meantime,  here are a few video links to get you in the mood for some cold weather camping!

What's better than a hot coffee around a roaring fire on a cold day at camp?  And who better than Mors Kochanski himself to show you how to do it right?

One of many winter camping videos from Kevin Callan - aka: The Happy Camper. The best part?  He has a ton of fun with it!
Also check out his Winter Camping segment on Canada AM.

Ray Mears sets up camp in the Northern Wilderness.

The ever-energetic and entertaining Shug gives some winter camp prep tips.

The fire is the main comfort of the camp, whether in summer or winter, and is about as ample at one season as at another. It is as well for cheerfulness as for warmth and dryness. ~Henry David Thoreau